Wednesday 6 March 2013

Hi! Welcome here :)

My name is Karianne.
I`m an Oslo girl, momma of two, living in the land down under.
I'm currently introducing some healthy fun foods for my little dude and we are having so much fun with it.
This is an extention to my instagram account, www.instagram/barebarnemat which means Child's play (or "just kids food" directly translated) in Norwegian.
Here I'll be posting the how to's from my pictures, so just grab a plate and join us.

My son, Calvin (2,5 years), loves his dinners, but he really struggle with the patience for breakfast and lunch. They just turned so boring, pretty often the breakfast would just be a PB sandwich or cheese sandwich. never more exciting than that.
Then i remembered that I bought some sandwich cutters when he was just a tiny little lad, and figured I might swell try them too.
And it inspired some eating on his part and an outlet for me.
A win win situation :)

I have been looking for ways to get my creativity out for a long time. As a former art student, I enjoy making things with my hands, but never seem to have the time. With a 2,5 year old ball of energy, and a 6 month old baby girl, I most certainly have my hands full
But there is ALWAYS room for cooking!

Since I love making things with the kids, I have put an (approx) appropriate age number next to each post, so you can easily find the ones you can make with your child in the label list.
 Ex 3+ is probably easy enough for a 3+ year old in company with an adult.
(Obviously some of these pictures require knives, so an adult has to be present and help out and supervise)

Have fun!

Kind regards

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