Monday, 24 June 2013

Baby foods and parfaits

So, my new hobby is baby foods!
Sooo simple to make pretty!
Just some dried fruits, some slices of apple or banana, some yoghurt in a decorating bottle and your pretty good to go!

Here are the yoghurt ones I have made so far:

I also love making parfaits for my bubba:
I generally put yoghurt at the bottom and then different layers of puree.
She loves it!
It gives her different tastes and textures and it doesn't get boring! :)

Here are some ideas:

And then there are some toddler versions, 
that my little girl is too young for :)

What is your babys favourite meal?
And do you cook from scratch?

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Baby berry parfait

Creamy rice pudding:
Cold cooked rice (i use the rice I cooked for dinner the day before generally) + vanilla bean + milk (cows milk, breast milk, formula...) blend.

Berry-avocado smoothie:
Frozen berries + banana +apple +avocado + milk (again, your preferred milk) blend.

Layer pudding, smoothie, pudding, smoothie. And decorate with greek yoghurt on top.

Easy as pie :)

How are you!?
I keep finding it hard to blog as I don't feel there is much interaction going on over here: i feel it unnatural to write much -and personal, but I figure I'll try to get better at writing ~for you who reads :)
Blogs are so different from youtube!
(I used to make videos on youtube back i the day and got a good chunk of subscribers: but with videos you talk TO someone and you get replies... I sometimes has hundreds of comments to read the next morning. Very fun! blogging is not as easy to me...) Anyways, I figure I'll try to write and see what happens haha!

Im so sorry its been so quiet from this end as of late, but time is truly running away from me!
Both the kids have been sick with a terrible cold and as most moms know: sick kids leave room for not much else!
ANY good advice on colds and how to prevent and how to get rid of: please share!!
I am sure all will be back to normal very very soon!! And I cant wait :)

I had my first day in forever (!!) with just my son on saturday, and it was brilliant!
We went to an inside play park where we (he, mostly) ran around like crazy monkeys! Until he crashed with an older boy and got a big Donald Duck bump on the forehead! Ouch!
It is still swollen and blue!

Now Im gonna have to finish cooking our dinner: meatballs with pear and pumpkin! Yum!

Talk later xxx

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Gallery for May :)

Hello :) how are you?
here in Australia the winter has surely arrived and its boring and cold some days. (i say cold rather vaguely as I am norwegian and I truly know COLD! But once your body is used to an average of 30+ degrees (which most norwegian bodies aren't!) 10-15 degrees feels rather cold too. its a drop in 20 degrees... its like from 20-0 degrees in Norway. You feel that. Yes, it gets much colder than 0 in Norway, but it also gets much hotter than 40 here, so it sorta evens out. And if your American: i speak in Celsius degrees :)
Bottom line is: i shiver in the morning!

I will start making a monthly gallery of things from the past month!
So the next gallery update should be in early July :)

The gallery updates will also be placed in the gallery section of the blog :)

All images are taken from my instagram and are made by me and eaten by my kids:

I hope your all well this weekend <3
And thank you to everyone who pops by here!!

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Hello Kitty

I read that sanrio, the makers of Hello Kitty, depend on mothers who were young when she was first created (and harder to come by!) to go absolutely cutesy in love and getting HK for their kids because they didnt get her as a child themselves... Something to ponder...

Anyways: I love my HK cutters.
They are the only press-cutters I have 
(the ones that makes a shape outside, then a print inside:) 
and I think they work very well on both herb bikkies 
(recipe here!) and cheese sandwich nibbles!

You can get the cookie cutter right here =)